An increasing number of colleagues in various disciplines and sectors are (considering) applying the FAIR Digital Object concept and their components to concrete implementation plans and development. One year into the existence of the FDO Forum, an initial paper, FAIR Digital Object Demonstrators 2021 was published in Zenodo that provided an excellent overview of such demonstrator cases. Many more projects have begun since then but have remained under the radar.
The FDO Forum would therefore like to help highlight these unseen efforts by providing the opportunity for individuals to upload a short description of their demonstrator project here. This will help the FDO community stay abreast of leading edge developments and foster collaboration. We therefore invite you to share your demonstrator project irrespective of the stage it is in, by filling-out the form at the bottom of the page.
Your contribution to this page will become visible after it has been moderated.
Questions/comments can be sent to
FDO Community Demonstrator Projects
Note: Click on the (+) to see more info
Submission Date | First Name | Last Name | Affiliation | Title of Project / Implementation | Phase | Link to Key Description / Website | Link to Code (if applicable) | Short Description of Work |
Mar 24, 2023 | Peter | Wittenburg | FDO Forum | Repository Integration Demonstrator | Completed | This demonstrator was made to show how easy it is to develop a DOIP adaptor to a repository such as B2Share and to then exchange digital objects between repositories of different type and data models. Developing the DOIP adapter to B2Sahre cost less than a week for a professional developer. A simple command line interface was used to exchange digital objects between Cordra and B2Share in both directions and this was demonstrated at an eIRG workshop. Yet this simple demonstrator did not implement the full FDO specifications. This is planned for a follow up project. | ||
Jul 5, 2023 | Christophe | Blanchi | DONA | DOIP – Digital Object Interface Protocol | Completed | DOIP: The Digital Object Interface Protocol (DOIP) is defined as a simple and universal protocol to interact with all entities (clients and servers) that manage or process DOs and FDOs. The purpose of DOIP is to provide a protocol that allows any client and server to talk to each other if both support the DO/FDO Modell, i.e. interfacing is independent of the way repositories for example organise data and of the technology being used. All items of the protocol are uniquely specified by PIDs, which stands for global unique and resolvable persistent identifiers. As an example we describe the request package where the following attributes are being requested: request ID, client ID, target ID, operation ID, attributes(optional), authentication(optional), input(optional). A Software Development Kit is available and with CORDRA a demonstrator has been developed. |