International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit
Berlin | March 2024
Summit 20th-21st
Training 19th

The FDO Forum hosted the FDO Implementation Summit at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science. This summit had two major action lines and was preceded by a training day and a newcomer session.
- Implementations and implementation plans
- Policy aspects of the further FDOF work
For the Sumit these guidelines were applied. For more details on the schedule and descriptions of the sessions please check the Summit Program living document (link at the bottom of the page).
Program, Slides and Recordings are now awailable.

The Summit was a great success and led to many fruitful discussions. All slides and recordings have been linked with the Summit Programme (see below). We would like to thank the presenters, panelists, program committee, session chairs and the local organising group for making this great event in Berlin happen.
Summit Programme
All slides and recordings are available now.
Training Day
Recordings and material will be available soon
Venue and Hotels
Venue and Hotel information
Prizes for Lightning Talks
The Prize winners are: (1) Anne Fouilloux, (2) Carole Goble, (3) Wouter Addink
Summit Photos
All photos are available now.
Summit Committees
Get to know who is in charge of organising FDO2024
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