International FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit
Our international summit will take place on March 20-21, 2024
in Berlin, Germany.

“FAIR Digital Objects (FDO) provide a conceptual and implementation framework to develop scalable cross-disciplinary capabilities, deal with the increasing data volumes and their inherent complexity, build tools that help to increase trust in data, create mechanisms to efficiently operate in the domain of scientific assertions, and promote data interoperability.” https://fairdo.org/
After a successful 1st International FAIR Digital Object (FDO) Conference in Leiden, the FDO Forum will host an FDO Implementation Summit in March 2024 in Berlin, Germany. The venue of this Implementation summit is the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, right in the city centre of the German capital.
This FAIR Digital Object Implementation Summit aims to bring together experts from all over the world who are planning and developing FDO implementations (data scientists, data infrastructure architects, data solution developers, data stewards, data curators, industry data experts, and policy makers). There will be exchange formats to foster interactions including early career professionals. Presentations and lightning talks from data scientists and developers engaged in Fair Digital Object activities will give deeper insights into FDO concepts and implementation.
A call for papers will open on the 15th of October 2023. The summit will be preceded by training courses and a newcomers session. The number of participants is limited and online interaction facilities will be offered. The registration will open in November 2023.
All relevant information will be shared on the summit’s website https://fairdo.org/fdof-summit-2024/.
March 20-21, 2024 International FAIR Digital Object Implementation Summit
March 19, 2024 Training courses & Newcomer Sessions
This summit is organised in partnership with the following organisations and initiatives: